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5 Top Time Saving Tech Tips

Technology has brought so many positive changes in our lives. We now can do things that were not possible a century ago. New and state-of-the-art inventions not only made our work easier and less laborious, but also reduced the time we used to spend in performing these menial tasks. Moreover, our productivity enhanced manifold due to these machines and gadgets.

We are living in a digital age now and the gadgets of today have made it possible to use our time more effectively and do more in less time. Here in this article, we are going to discuss the tips to save our time using latest technology available and make most out of it. These tips and tricks are related to the gadgets and apps that you use on a daily basis. They are already playing their part in helping you to manage your time and effort more efficiently. In this article, we are going to further this effort by letting you in on the tricks that will enable you to further reduce time consumption while using them to perform a certain task. To know about these handy tricks, read on.


 1.       Internet


          a.      To scroll down, tap spacebar. To scroll back up, hold Shift and then tap spacebar and this will move back up to the top of the page.

         b.      To fill out a form, you do not have to use mouse clicks every time you want to move to next field. All you have to do is to press Tab button and you can move on to next field.



          c.       In case you get pop-up menu, type the first letter of your choice repeatedly and you will get it shown.



          d.      To enlarge the font size on the web page hold CTRL, and press ‘+’. And to make it smaller hold CTRL, and press ‘-‘.




1.     Smartphones




       a.      While ending a sentence on your smartphone, you do not have to look for punctuation mark on your keypad; just press spacebar twice and a period will be added automatically. Next sentence will start with capital letter on auto.



       b.      If you want to call back to the number you received last call from, instead of looking for it in the log, just tap Call or Dial button and you will get the number that called you last.




2.     Google




        a.      Google makes finding meaning of a word easier for you by becoming a dictionary itself. Anything you type following ‘define’ will get you meaning of that word on top of the search page and you do not have to open any site to do that.



        b.      You can use Google to track your flight status as well. All you have to do is type your flight number and it will show you the details you are looking for regarding your flight.



       c.       You can get conversion results promptly through Google as well. Type unit to be converted and Google will automatically provide you with the answer.




4.     Texting




         a.      To highlight a certain word, double-click on it and it will be highlighted. If you want to delete it to replace it, no need to delete it, just type over it.



         b.      By clicking thrice, you can highlight an entire paragraph. And same rule for paragraph as well; just start type over it to replace the text.




5.     Presentations




       a.      During a presentation, sometimes you want to divert the attention of the audience towards yourself instead of the presentation screen. For this, simply press ‘B’ and the screen will go black and to revert, just press ‘B’ again.



          b.      And to make the screen go white instead of black, you can press ‘W’ instead of ‘B’ and will get the same result, only this time, in white.




These are some of the shortcuts and tips that can help you get your work done in less time and avoid unnecessary clicking and moving from one menu to another. With a little research and practice, you can master many other shortcuts available in these gadgets and apps and become a pro and envy of your office. All it takes is a little interest and some research and practice. For instance, For refreshing your Windows screen, instead of going to the menu, press F5 and you can achieve your goal of refreshing the screen. These are some handy tech tips that can work wonderfully for you and help you manage your time more efficiently and productively.